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美华热衷于帮助那些经历过创伤的人,以及那些面临强迫症、悲伤和损失、焦虑、抑郁和吸毒的人。 在教了18年的智障学生和主流学生后,美华觉得自己被召唤去帮助有问题的儿童和有矛盾的成年人。从那时起,她就成为灵实咨询中心的一名辅导员,为来自新加坡、中国、印度、越南、泰国和马来西亚等国家的不同文化背景的客户提供咨询。 她毕业于辅导学文科硕士,是在新加坡辅导协会(SAC) 注册的临床辅导员(CMSAC)。她也是一名经认证的T-JTA执业者,能说流利的英语、普通话和福建话。 美华是一个三个孩子的母亲,她很享受她的家庭生活。除了咨询之外,她还通过照料她收集的植物,与她的丈夫一起散步她收养的狗,并喜欢烘焙来放松心情。


Veon Lim


After graduating with a Bachelor of Finance in the UK, Veon found herself in the marketplace, eventually carving a niche implementing Enterprise Risk Management in Multinational Corporations and Temasek-linked companies, supporting the Board on Corporate Governance. More than 15 years on, she called time on her corporate career to pursue her Master of Arts (Art Therapy) at LASALLE College of the Arts, twinning a lifelong love for art making with her growing passion for healing and spiritual care of the soul. Her art therapy research papers on altering life narrative through altered books and restoring attachment through clay were presented at the annual conferences of American Art Therapy Association (AATA) and British Association of Art Therapists respectively while her paper on the legacy gift of reconciliation in palliative care was accepted by the 50th AATA conference. Veon has since worked with clients in community psychiatric rehabilitation, hospice patients facing imminent end-of-life crises alongside their families as well as children/spouses of the incarcerated and other private clients. The overarching theme of reconciliation, be it with self or others or the Creator is central to her practice. She also finds it fulfilling running wellness/self-care programmes for caregivers, children, youth and working adults focusing on mental wellness. She enjoys facilitating onsite and outdoor group art experiential sessions for corporations, NGOs and the Christian community too.

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大卫是一名儿童和家庭教育工作者,自1995年以来,他使用经过科学研究和时间检验的Prepare-Enrich (PE)Inc.工具帮助许多夫妇为他们的婚姻做准备。自2005年起,他成为PE Inc.认证的研讨会主任。自2005年以来,他一直是PE Inc.认证的研讨会主任,他还培训了许多神职人员和非神职人员的婚姻辅导员使用PE Inc.的工具。 大卫是新加坡教育部的注册讲师,目前也是Filos社区服务有限公司的自由资源发言人,为家长和小学至中学后的学生举办政府批准的讲座和研讨会。 大卫于1993年在加拿大温哥华的摄政学院获得基督教研究硕士学位,并将婚姻和家庭作为重点领域。他曾在TCA学院(1995-2006年;2010-2011年)和Covenant Vision School of Ministry(2010-2017年)教授婚姻和家庭相关课程。 大卫还帮助了许多参加爱尔兰都柏林Mater医院开发的以证据为基础的Parents Plus Early Years; Parents Plus Children计划的家长。 大卫和他的妻子辛西娅自1987年12月结婚。他们有三个孩子,现在都是年轻的成年人。辛西娅拥有咨询学硕士学位,是一名临床心理咨询师。他们曾为许多夫妇的婚姻准备提供咨询。




亦武的热情在于希望与那些在关系中寻求愈合和成长的个人和夫妇一起探索。目前,她为那些有关系问题(包括婚姻问题)、创伤、愤怒管理、自尊心强的成年人提供辅导,为那些遭受困难的童年环境的人提供辅导,并一直为失去重要人物的客户提供辅导。 她拥有辅导学文科硕士,是在新加坡辅导协会(SAC) 注册的临床辅导员(CMSAC),以及纽卡斯尔大学(澳大利亚)的商业学士学位。此外,她经过了高特曼法夫妻治疗(Gottman Method Couples Therapy)的第一级训练,以及使用经过充分研究的Journey To Intimacy Inc.材料的婚姻充实计划的主持人。 在空闲时间,Crystal喜欢和大自然在一起,阅读,并和她的丈夫和儿子们一起玩棋盘游戏。

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Wong Yeng Yi


Yeng knows how difficult life can be for everyone. She also believes, however, that we each have the capacity to be better resourced to live life better despite the challenges having journeyed with clients, loved ones and as well for herself. Yeng has worked with a range of clients on issues such as anxiety, grief, depression, trauma, life transitions, and relationship challenges. She employs an eclectic use of modalities to address the different needs of each client including both cognition (top down) and somatic (bottom up) - based interventions. She aims to provide a safe space for clients to talk. In listening to their stories, she helps them to grow in self – awareness and acceptance. Yeng is a graduate of the Master of Arts in Counselling. She also holds a M.S. Ed in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University and a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Anderson University. She has been married to her American husband for 18 years and they have been based in Singapore for the last 13 years. She enjoys singing, cooking, baking, spending time with friends and now, also, crocheting. Life is difficult and we always have a choice to give up or to keep trying. Yeng hopes she can help you keep trying because you hold a special place in this world and in the lives of those around you.

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Faith is committed to journeying with her clients with compassion and authenticity. As a passionate educator of 13 years, her experiences with youths and young people eventually led her towards a newfound purpose of helping individuals heal, grow in self and relational awareness, and point them towards a meaningful and fulfilling life. Believing that every young person deserves someone who helps them feel seen, safe and soothed, Faith has journeyed with clients facing issues like depression, anxiety, suicidality/self-harm, addiction, sexuality, self-esteem and relational intimacy. Drawing on her insights as a counsellor and educator, she also guides others (including parents and youth workers) on how to establish meaningful connections with young people. Faith holds a Master of Arts in Counselling degree and is a provisional clinical member of the Singapore Association of Counselling (SAC). Her approach to therapy is integrative and catered to each client, informed by techniques such as Psychodynamic Therapy, Polyvagal Theory and Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Neuroscience and Mindfulness as well as Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy. She also holds a postgraduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education (NIE) and a Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) in Arts and Social Sciences from the National University of Singapore (NUS). In her down time, Faith immerses in beauty and inspiration through stories, travel, self-care rituals and spending time with her husband, friends and family.

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Magdelene embodies a deep passion for helping people who face challenges in their mental health, personality issues and relationship difficulties. She thinks of counselling as a calling and she treasures every opportunity to walk alongside individuals in their paths fraught with uncertainties and struggles. Magdelene holds a Master of Arts degree in counselling, and has worked with clients who struggle with issues which include trauma, anxiety, depression, anger management, grief and loss, as well as interpersonal and emotional difficulties. In her practice, Magdelene adopts a Person-Centered approach and uses evidence-based modalities like Psychodynamic Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to help her clients work through their pain, increase self-worth, build emotional resilience and feel more empowered to take charge of their lives. Happily married with 2 grown-up daughters, Magdelene enjoys time after work with her Golden Doodle. In her leisure time, she also enjoys reading, pottery and baking. 她拥有辅导学文科硕士,是在新加坡辅导协会(SAC) 注册的临床辅导员(CMSAC),以及纽卡斯尔大学(澳大利亚)的商业学士学位。此外,她经过了高特曼法夫妻治疗(Gottman Method Couples Therapy)的第一级训练,以及使用经过充分研究的Journey To Intimacy Inc.材料的婚姻充实计划的主持人。 在空闲时间,Crystal喜欢和大自然在一起,阅读,并和她的丈夫和儿子们一起玩棋盘游戏。



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